Well decided to brave a plane trip to Portland, Oregon. Isaac's Baba (Japanese grandma) arrived Monday, August 11th and then we all flew to Portland, Oregon on Tuesday and came back Friday. I was nervous because I wasn't sure how Isaac would react to the plane noise and the possible ear popping. I noticed a couple weeks before he had been very sensitive to noise, so I was definitely worried that he would be screaming the whole way. Well boy did he surprise me, he loved it! Not one scream the whole way, only scream of delight. We went to Portland and then rented a car and drove along the coast to Florence, Salem, Astoria and Tillamook. Florence we stayed in a hotel with a beautiful view of the river. It was a cute little coastal town. Popular for its sand dunes and the Sea Lion Caves. Yes we were able to see a good view of the Sea Lions and a Grey Whale to boot! Then it was on to Tillamook, famous for its Tillamook Cheese factory. Yes I of course loved the free samples of cheese. It was an interesting process to watch. And of course I had to have a sample or should I say BIG SCOOP of their ice cream! Someday Isaac will enjoy his ice cream too. Then off to Astoria where Masa had worked during the summer for the past 8 years, working with the fish industry. We stayed at a hotel that looked out onto the Astoria bridge and the water. It was great! We went to the maritime museum and learned about the boats and the cargo transportation and the dangerous point at where the Columbia River and the ocean collide. I would not want to be on a boat at that point! Then lastly we headed off to Portland to visit with Masa's Host family and friends. We had a big family gathering and had a great dinner and then the next day we flew back home. By the way Isaac was well loved on the plane ride home, he is quite the social butterfly.
Isaac did well the whole trip, but he really did not want to sleep, so we had to rock him to sleep. He wanted to party all night long! Here are some pics.
Sand dunes, Florence Astoria, our view

1 comment:
Wow, he really did make friends on the plane: the captain and stewardess! Looks like you guys had tons of fun.
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