Flying out of SFO at 4pm was a very nice departure. Both Isaac and Luke had a very good flight and both of us, mommy and daddy, were somewhat relaxed. I guess they are growing and getting used with a long flight. Flying into Haneda airport is also plus because of closer distance to Jiji/Baba (Grandpa/Grandma)'s house when compare to flying in to Narita airport. One hour bus ride from the Haneda airport got us to Grandparents' house.
We used grandpa's car and took a trip to Atami. The hotel, in which we stayed had wonderful hot spring style outdoor bath, gourmet dinner/breakfast, and wonderful ocean view. It was only 2 hours away from Tokyo and we really enjoyed.
Fuji-san, Mt Fuli, shows on on the way to Atami. It was a cool view.
Isaac's favorite restaurant in Japan is GUSTO, which is equivalent to Denny's in the US, although menu is. of course, very different.

Isaac and Luke rejoined to Machida Judo Club and Isaac participated in the local single elimination style tournament in the last weekend in Japan. The biggest difference between Japanese judo and American Judo is grouping of kids. In US, a pool is formed with kids with similar weight (more less within 14#) and similar rank, whereas kids in Japan are placed in a same pool based on their grade, no matter how heavy/light they are and what belt color they have, unless they had a black belt. Anyway, the pink highlight is Isaac on the chart. Although he was eliminated in the first match, he displayed aggressiveness and never give-up spirits against a greenbelt opponent (Isaac possesses Yellow belt, which is 4 rank lower than Green belt). Moreover this Green belt went to the final and ended up the over all 2nd place with very controversial loss. Many people though he won the final.
Isaac's Match on YouTube:
In the last week in Japan, we invited Isaac's friend in the block, Miku, Akari, and Mayu for FIREWORKS in the small backyard. We dont' get to do this in the US, so Isaac and Luke were enjoying so much.
Luke entered the preschool he was in last year. He had the same teacher from last year and enjoyed going the preschool so much. He was called Kaoru (his Middle name) in Japan.
This was Isaac's 4th experience in the Tsukushino elementary school. His friend, Lea-Miyu, from NY also came back for her 4th year. They have been together in the same class for 4 years and we hope that they will be in the same class again.
On the way to to the US from Haneda airport. The flight departed around 7pm, which was really nice. We hope that JAL will not change this schedule and we can visit Japan with these flight for the next summer! Sayonara Japan.