Saturday, December 24, 2016

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Isaac's First Gold Medal at a Judo Tournament!

It has been almost 2 years since Isaac started learning Judo at a local Judo club, Oakland Judo.  He has tried out many tournaments, but had never stood on middle of a podium until this tournament. A year ago, Isaac had the first win in a white belt (beginner) division at the same tournament, and now he has the first gold medal (1st place) in a higher, 7/8 yrs yellow belt, division.  He has been working hard with Sensei, teammates, and Daddy consistently and finally climbed up to middle of the podium!  He will be 9 years old for the next tournament, that mean that he has to be in a 9/10 yrs division.  Keep it up Isaac, we are so proud of you.  Great job!